LPIA To Begin Airside Pavement Works, Key Stakeholders Prepare For Potential Delays
13 February 2020

Nassau, Bahamas, February 12, 2020— On Monday February 17th, Nassau Airport Development Company (NAD) will resume its program of upgrading the old surfaces on the airside at Lynden Pindling International Airport, with pavement reconstruction on a portion of Taxiway Hotel Taxiway Hotel is a main access point on the airside where aircraft exit the runway and enter aprons to park and be serviced in between flights. The scheduled works will last approximately two months and will result in a full pavement restoration.
Passengers travelling during the peak travel periods (12 p.m.- 3 p.m. daily) and over Spring Break and the Easter holidays should be prepared for some delays when arriving or departing from LPIA as a result of the airside works, however, key stakeholders at the airport are working together to mitigate the impact on the operations at LPIA. Starting next week, Air Traffic Services (ATS) will activate contingency plans and implement operating procedures to manage traffic on the airside over the next two months.
“We are undergoing this essential pavement reconstruction in an effort to increase the lifespan of Taxiway Hotel, and ensure its surface remains safe. As traffic to the destination continues to grow, we must maintain our primary assets at a level that meets the airport’s current and future demands,” Deborah Coleby, Vice President of Operations at NAD explained.
To minimize the overall impact to operations on the airside, the project will be divided into two phases with each stage estimated to last approximately one month.
Last year, NAD completed major rehabilitation works on Runway 09/27 (now Runway 10/28) and Taxiway India (now Taxiway Papa). Works included a full rehabilitation of the asphalt pavement surface, extending the life of the runway, as well as installation of new lighting. Although smaller in scale, the current airside project will provide additional benefits to the overall airside operations. Additional works on airport aprons where aircraft park are scheduled to take place this year.
Motorists entering the airport from the entrance closest to the Domestic/International Departures and Domestic Arrivals terminal are asked to approach the area with caution as heavy equipment movement may be present over the next two months.
For the latest updates on operations at LPIA, visit www.nassaulpia.com or follow @Nassau_Airport on Instagram and Facebook.
Photo attached.
Photo Caption: Pavement reconstruction on a portion of Taxiway Hotel at LPIA to commence on Monday February 17, 2020.
Media Contacts:
Jan Knowles
Vice President of Marketing & Commercial Development
Nassau Airport Development Company
Shonalee Johnson
Managing Partner
Windward Public Relations
#29 Windward Road
Nassau, Bahamas
Email: sjohnson@windward-pr.com
Office: 1-242-601-3743
Mobile: 1-242-456-4797 www.windward-pr.com